Cris & Jean

Maybe you remember these two beautiful people from their very recent engagement post. Cris & Jean were our first wedding of this year, and we had an amazing time getting to see these two lovebirds get married.

The wedding day was frigid, but the abounding love between Cris and Jean and their guests filled up the majestic and light-filled Phipps Tennis Pavilion and warmed everyone blessed enough to be a part of this occasion. Jean and Cris designed their wedding ceremony to resemble a play, with their bridal party as the cast of characters. Each person spoke a few poetic lines about their dear friends and their journey together which which was culminating at that moment as they were wed. Or should I say, was truly beginning at that moment…

The reception was joyful, the toasts were tearful, the decor was splendid, and the FOOD, oh the food…a magnificent buffet of a fusion of Chinese and Cuban cuisine. The blending of these two cultures was a theme throughout the day, and was so much fun!

We were truly blessed to be a part of this day, and are honored to know these two amazing people. Congratulations Jean and Cris!

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